15 жилийн АЖЛЫН ТУРШЛАГА Уул уурхайн салбарт Үндэсний компани Монголын ирээдүй Монголын үндэсний хөрөнгө оруулалттай компани

Монголын үндэсний хөрөнгө оруулалттай компани.

Altain Khuder LLC

“Altain Khuder” LLC is a Mongolian mining company by domestic investment. We conduct geological survey, assessment and detailed and operating exploration at Tayan Nuur iron ore deposit in Tseel soum, Gobi – Altai province with own expense; verify total resource in the deposit in accordance with applicable international standards and registered it in the registration of mineral resources base of Mongolia.

The company holds mineral exploration licenses No. 13527A and 15377A over 169 hectares of area within Tayan Nuur iron ore deposit. We commence mining exploitation and operation, adopt up-to-the-minute innovative technique and technology for production and operation by establishing a mining concentration plant, and carry out environmentally friendly and responsible mining.

Location of Tayan Nuur iron ore deposit, Altain Khuder LLC:
• Tseel soum, Gobi – Altain province
• 1300km from the capital Ulaanbaatar
• 300km from Altai city, Gobi – Altai province
• 168.34km from the borderline between Mongolia and P. R. of China

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